Come and see our school in action.
We would love to show you around.
Tuesday 25 February 2025, 9.30 am
Wednesday 19 March 2025, 9.30 am

Sacred Heart School Kew
We extend an invitation to anyone who may be considering Sacred Heart Kew for their child to meet with us and hear what our fine school is able to offer prospective pupils. At Sacred Heart Kew we believe a child’s education is a partnership between home and school and so while you will have expectations of us, we too will have expectations of you. We invite you to meet with us and discuss your child.
School Tours in 2025 (for 2026 enrolments)
As well as our special School Open Days on Tuesday 25 February and Wednesday 19 March, School Tours will take place on the following days in 2025:
Monday 5 May
Monday 2 June
Monday 4 August
Monday 1 September
Monday 20 October
Monday 17 November
Please contact the School Office on 9853 5859 to register for any of the above dates.
We are currently still accepting enrolments for Prep (2025) children.
We also welcome inquiries from prospective families for other year levels (if space is available).
Please make use of the 'Book a School Tour' tab below to make an appointment to speak with the school about enrolment for your child.
2026 Prep Enrolment Process
1. Completion of Sacred Heart Kew Enrolment Application form (see attachment below)
2. Submitting Enrolment Application form with all the required documentation and a $250 non-refundable enrolment fee to the Office - 2026 Prep Enrolment Applications are due at the end of Term 1 (Friday 4 April, 2025)
3. An interview with the Principal and/or Deputy Principal will be required (beginning Tuesday 22 April, 2025)
4. Attendance at our Prep Parent Information Night held in the latter part of the year. On this night, our School Leaders and Prep teachers will outline what Sacred Heart Kew has to offer your child. Sacred Heart Kew Parents’ Association members will also share information with you. This evening is for parents only.
5. 2026 Prep students will be invited to participate in 3 Transition sessions held towards the end of 2025. These sessions will support their transition as they prepare to become Preps at Sacred Heart Kew in 2026.
2026 Prep Transition Sessions (please note the days and times for each group)
Week 1 (Wednesday 29 October)
Group 1
9.15am - 10.30am
Group 2
11.15am - 12.30pm
Week 2 (Wednesday 5 November)
Group 1
9.15am - 10.30am
Group 2
11.15am - 12.30pm
Week 3 - Wednesday 12 November (9.15am - 12pm)
All Prep 2026 children will attend together at this time.
All children will meet both their teacher and classmates for 2026 on this day.
Children will need to bring a snack/fruit and a sun hat with them.
2026 Prep Parent Information Evening (Wednesday 12 November at 7pm)

Tours of our wonderful school and learning spaces are available upon request. Please complete the following form to book a tour or contact the School Office to make an appointment.

Having been at Sacred Heart for 6 years now (with another 7 to go) we couldn’t be happier. Sacred Heart embodies the whole child socially, academically, creatively and spiritually. The sense of community and feeling of ‘belonging’ creates an environment which nurtures little minds and expands the outlook of older ones.
- Caroline O'Sullivan, Parent