Sacred Heart School Kew
Our school is situated at the corner of Glenferrie and Cotham Roads in the inner Melbourne suburb of Kew. It sits behind the iconic Sacred Heart Kew Parish Church. We are located just 5 kilometres from the city centre of Melbourne.
At Sacred Heart Kew, we enjoy modern contemporary learning facilities in a secure environment. Our learning spaces include: Junior, Middle and Senior buildings, School Hall with performance space, Multi-purpose room (MPR), Visual Arts studio, Library, Mandarin and Music rooms.
Our school grounds include:
Basketball & Netball Courts, Tennis Courts, Running Track and Oval, Adventure Playgrounds (under cover), Sand Pit, Sensory garden play spaces, School Garden and passive play areas.

Sacred Heart is centred in Christ…
Nurturing the dignity of each person
Promoting respectful relationships
Challenging injustice and leading change
Providing an environment that is safe
Learning, growing and celebrating

At Sacred Heart Kew parent involvement and participation is highly valued, as is the development of a strong partnership between home and school. The parent community is wonderfully supportive and parents give generously of both their time and energy. Our parents are led by a dynamic Parents' Association who support the school’s development through their fundraising and friend raising efforts.
Sacred Heart Kew has opportunities for parents to participate in a variety of school activities. Opportunities are available for parents who wish to volunteer, helping in school activities like: Tuckshop, excursion and school events, classroom helper programs and participation in committees and cultural groups.

School Hours
Gates open at 8.30am
Students are able to arrive at school from 8.30am
Kiss and drop operates from Glenferrie Road 8.30 - 8.45am
Students are expected to be at school by 8.45am
Christian Meditation
Students participate in Christian Meditation with their class each Tuesday and Friday afternoon (after lunch play). The whole school meditates at these times.
School Day
School commences: 8.45am
Morning Recess: 10.45am – 11.15am
Lunch: 12.45pm – 1.45pm
End of School Day: 3.15pm - all students
Kiss and Drop: 3.15pm - 3.35pm
Term Dates 2025
Term One: Fri 31 January – Fri 4 April
Term Two: Tues 22 April – Fri 4 July
Term Three: Mon 21 July – Fri 19 September
Term Four: Tues 7 October - Tues 16 December

MACS Governance Statement
Sacred Heart Catholic School Kew is a school which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS). MACS governs and operates Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge, skills, and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them.
Because the good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders. This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures.
More information about MACS is available at www.macs.vic.edu.au.

MACSEYE (Before & After School Care)
MACSEYE provides our outside school hours care program. To find out more about the program at our school, including hours of operation, fees and how to register, please explore the MACSEYE website or contact the school office for further information.
Overview of Before and After School Care
Before School Care from 7.15am - 8.30am
After School Care 3.15pm - 6pm
On school site premises care
Breakfast or afternoon snack provided
Inside & Outside play/activity options

1872 Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street
1875 Archbishop Goold laid the foundation stone for a Catholic School
1889 FCJ Sisters opened a school and presbytery purchased in Walpole Street
1890 Sacred Heart Parish formed and Fr. Patrick Fallon appointed the first Parish Priest
1899 Present site of the Sacred Heart Church acquired by Dr. Carr. Plans were for a Church, school and presbytery.
1900 Foundation stone for Cotham Road school hall laid by Archbishop Carr
1901 Sacred Heart School moved from Walpole Street to Cotham Road hall
1909 Hall first used as a Church
1910 Rev. P. O’Donohoe died.
1918 Foundation stone for Sacred Heart Church laid by Archbishop Mannix
1921 Archbishop Mannix opened and blessed Sacred Heart Church
1931 New classrooms were built for the school
1931 Fr. John Manley died. Fr. Patrick Rafferty became the Parish Priest
1937 St. Anne’s Parish, East Kew started
1940-41 Fr. Rafferty died and was replaced by Dr. William Collins.
1948 The school hall was damaged in a fire. The classrooms were not affected.
1959 Dr. Collins died. Fr. Bernard Geoghegan, followed by Fr. John Duggan, became Parish Priests
1963 (approx) The school lost the Grades 7 & 8 in line with the Education Department policy
1974 Four new classrooms were built
1977 Fr. Michael Rafter became the Parish Priest
1978 The school converted a classroom into a library with a Commonwealth Grant.
1989 New adventure playground equipment purchased and installed in the school grounds
1995 Fr. William Malcolm Crawford became the Parish Priest
2007-8 Opening of ICT lab, new library. Administration building refurbished.
2009 Fr. Michael Kalka appointed Parish Priest
2011 (August 8) Bishop Leslie Tomlinson VG blessed the St. Mary of the Cross Chapel (30th Anniversary of Fr. Michael Kalka’s ordination)
2011 Running track added to the oval area.
2012 (February 5) Fr. Michael Kalka is announced as Archpriest. (Equivalent to Monsignor)
2012 Fr. Michael Kalka opened and blessed the new Multi-Purpose Building, Art Studio and new classrooms. New tennis club built.
2012 New adventure playground built. Staffroom refurbished.
2016 Playground Canopy Built.
2017 New Junior Playground built.
2018 Fr. John Madden became the Parish Priest
2021 School Governance change to MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools)
2024 Father Trevor Tibbertsma appointed Adminsistrator of Sacred Heart Parish Kew
2025 Father Michael Kong appointed Administrator of Sacred Heart Parish Kew