Sacred Heart School Kew
Children are at the heart of our school’s existence and this fundamental reality guides our policies, philosophy and actions. At Sacred Heart Kew, Student Wellbeing is critical to success for students and our families.
What we offer at Sacred Heart Kew:
a KidsMatter accredited school
a whole school approach to Respectful Relationships
Student Wellbeing Leader
Buddy Program (Year 6 and Prep)
Buddy Program with (Year 5 and 4 Year old Kinder children from Little Assets Early Learning Kew)
Student leadership
Student led lunchtime activities (e.g. dance; soccer; board games; sandpit competition)
Health and wellbeing focus
Healthy Eating and Nut Aware school
Sun Smart School
Building positive relationships
Onsite School Counsellor
Kinder to Prep Transition
Liaison with outside support agencies
Individualised learning plans for diverse needs of students
At Sacred Heart Kew our teachers differentiate and personalise the curriculum each day, catering for the individual needs of each child within their classroom. Our teachers identify and target each students’ interests and abilities across all learning areas, providing engaging and enriching experiences. Our teachers utilise students pre and post testing data, regularly monitoring and reviewing students learning progress during the year. Our students are provided extension and or support based on their individual learning needs.
Our Learning Diversity Leader works in partnership with our classroom teachers to develop Personal Learning Plans (PLP’s) for students who require additional learning support. Personalised Learning Plans are designed to support the academic, social and emotional needs of our children. Program Support Group (PSG) meetings are facilitated throughout the course of the school year, and teachers and parents meet regularly to discuss and develop these plans. Our team of Learning Support Officers (LSO’s) also provide additional support to our teachers and students within the classroom setting.
Intervention and Support
At Sacred Heart Kew we know that not every child learns at the same pace. Some children may require extra support or time to master taught skills. In Years 1 and 2 children who have been identified are given the opportunity to participate in Minilit Sage. This program is a Tier 2 small group program for readers who require extra assistance, providing explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, systematic synthetic phonics for reading and spelling, letter formation, and connected text reading. Year 4-6 children participate in this program, four times a week (45 minute lessons), for a Semester.
Consultants from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS), such as Speech Therapists, Educational Psychologists and Curriculum Advisors are also engaged from time to time, providing advice on the implementation and monitoring of students with additional learning needs and requirements.

Our School Counsellor supports the needs of all our students and families at Sacred Heart Kew. Our School Counsellor is available two days each week, on a case by case, needs basis. Our School Counsellor is one of the main contact people between external professionals, referring students and their families to other support networks, from time to time. This important wellbeing service can include: counselling (individual and or group sessions), social and emotional education (developing a range of useful strategies for children to make use of, e.g. social, self regulation and self mastery skills) throughout any period of engagement. At Sacred Heart Kew our School Counsellor works in partnership with our students, our parents and our teachers, supporting the whole child, fostering positive wellbeing for all our school community members.

At Sacred Heart Kew our Year Six Leaders facilitate lunchtime activities throughout the week. These fun activities provide alternate play based options for younger students to engage in during recess and lunchtime breaks. Activities vary during the school year, and can include: sport, dance, board games, sandpit making competitions, origami and chalk drawing to name just a few.

All new children who walk through the Sacred Heart Kew school gates, are welcomed with open arms. So too, are their families. As children begin life at our school, they are paired with a Year Six buddy who guides and supports them throughout their first year at primary school. The love of a Year Six buddy knows no bounds and the ensuing relationship that develops ensures that all children who call Sacred Heart Kew home become happy, respectful and grateful students.